Educational Support – Centro Didattico

It may happen that a pupil may need support during their school career. Different forms and levels of support are available at our school, designed to ensure adequate help for students with difficulties and special educational needs, which can be activated at any time during their school career. This allows learners to develop and progress in learning according to their potential, integrating successfully into the group.

To meet the needs of individual students, having first identified their educational needs, we plan the ideal teaching method. In case normal differentiation is not sufficient, the school provides different types of support.

The types of educational support possible are: General, Moderate or Intensive. Pupils may have difficulty with a particular aspect of a topic, there may be gaps to fill or there may be a mild learning difficulty.

The planned support is flexible and follows the student, adapting to his development and changing needs.

Furthermore, our school also offers a support program for SWALS (Students Without a Language Section) students.

This allows them to accelerate the acquisition of the language of the section they attend which can be different from the native speaker.

On the website of our school in the Primary and Secondary sections you will find the internal guidelines that regulate educational support.

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